30 day (SLAP) Squat, Lunge & Plank Challenge

By Hello Gorgeous Wellness LLC (other events)

Wed, Mar 1 2023 12:00 AM EDT Fri, Mar 31 2023 11:59 PM EDT

30 day squat, lunge & plank challenge- A huge part of maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight is being active daily. This challenge will dare you to move around daily with your body weight as a resistance. You will be challenged to get out of your normal lack of movement and exercise (for most) or our unhealthy sendetary ways to become more active. You will find and build your muscles in places you did not know existed with these 3 little exercises, touching majority of your muscle groups. Soreness will be a part of your progress. Remember nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

$30 to enter… What's included? A Hello Gorgeous t-shirt and a chance to win the prize (consisting of an body massage, personal massage gun, epsom salt, bath bombs, CBD cream and much much more). In the event that multiple Queens complete the daily 30 day challenges, one Queen's name will be drawn to determine the winner…

Rules: Each day the complete challenge has to be videoed and posted to our What's APP HGWG Challenge Chat by 10pm with a phone/watch/newspaper or news broadcast displaying the date (for proof of completion).

This is a grown-up trust system amongst women with integrity and morals that should do what they say and say what they do! Even if you fall short on one day, post it, this way the group can encourage you or offer alternatives or modifications to perform the exercises in a safe effective manner.

We are building a village of empowered healthy mind, body and spirited women. 

NOTICE: Please consult your doctor first before purchasing your ticket if you have any known pre-existing health conditions/concerns, to be cleared to participate in this activity. This is a form of cardio exercise and involves a lot of movement of your body parts while walking.