30 Day (HI) Challenge Healthy Intake

By Hello Gorgeous Wellness LLC (other events)

Wed, Feb 1 2023 12:00 AM EDT Tue, Feb 28 2023 11:59 PM EDT

30 day challenge- A huge part of maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight is what we put inside of our mouths for nourishment. This challenge will dare you to eat and think differently. You will be challenged to cut out a lot of our unhealthy consumption habits. the list includes: No soda, Drink 10 glasses of water/day, No artificial sweeteners, No "Diet" anything, No Wheat/Gluten, No Sugar, No Alcohol, No Dairy, No Packaged food, No Eating Out, No Red Meats, Eat Greens every day, Eat Protein in every meal, and 3 workouts/week. 

$30 to enter …What's included? A Hello Gorgeous t-shirt, a water bottle, shared meal recipes, natural supplements/replacements ideas and a chance to win the prize worth over $100 (consisting of a paid dinner with administrators of Hello Gorgeous Wellness and so much more)

Rules: Each day for each meal/snack etc., you must take pictures of what you ate and drank throughout the day and posts your picture collage to our What's App HGWG Challenge Chat by 10pm displaying the date (for proof of completion), along with a short video of you exercising on your 3 days/week.  

This is a grown-up trust system amongst women with integrity and morals that should do what they say and say what they do! Even if you fall short on one day, post it, this way the group can encourage you or offer alternatives to supplement that craving or lack of knowledge.

We are building a village of empowered healthy mind, body and spirited women. 

NOTICE: Please consult your doctor first before purchasing your ticket if you have any known pre-existing health conditions/concerns, to be cleared to participate in this activity. This is a form of cardio exercise and involves a lot of movement of all body parts. This will involve changing your eating habits and you may experience changes in your bowel movements, sugar levels, and energy levels at first, but they should all subside after a week or so of these changes. If any side effects come up besides for the ones listed above please seek medical attention immediately as these may be signs of other possible health issues.